Wool is Cruel and Unsustainable

Yesterday, I was looking for cotton or rayon capes to layer for fall, and the woman in the store was trying to sell me wool, I told her I don’t buy wool and she asked “Why”? Most people think wool is simply just sheared and they roam pastures. Well with massive amounts of people it’s not the case anymore.
Australia is the leading producer of wool close to 90 million sheep are housed for wool, after brutal barbaric treatment, they are then shipped in sea sickening cramped ships to await the most brutal slaughter in the Middle East. Live Export it’s called.
Also the environmental effects of wool are detrimental to the environment. It requires vast amounts of land and water, and to cultivate the massive amount of food required to feed them. Sheep’s excrement deeply polluting environments locally and globally. Indeed the environmental effects of wool farming are catastrophic. It requires vast amounts of land and water, both to house and hydrate the sheep and to cultivate the massive amount of plant food required to feed them. Not to mention sheep’s excrement deeply polluting environments locally and globally. I told her I would post this for her. ~~~~~➳

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