After Unilever’s lawsuit against Hampton Creek Foods “Just Mayo” brand. Unilever tried to say that it can’t be called “Mayo” because it did not contain eggs. To make matters worse, The American Egg Board conspired documents to the FDA in an effort to bring Hampton Creek owner down in a leaked email. The backlash caused Unilever to eventually drop the lawsuit.
Hellman’s is getting into the eggless mayo business after calling them out? Sounds strange, but not if we look at why they even bothered in the first place to file a lawsuit. Because the vegan market is big business and they claim “Our fans have been asking for organic and egg-less options with the creamy taste of Hellman’s for years.” My personal spin, is because the Avian flu hit the egg market hard and shot the prices of eggs up, besides Unilever finally opening their minds to what customers want!
What does Hampton Creek’s CEO, Josh Tetrick, think? — He’s not worried about the competition but in fact said “I hope Kraft follows Unilever, then I hope Kraft and Unilever compete.” Sounds like someone with a sound minded business.
What to buy? Just always support vegan companies, and remember Unilver is a huge corporation that test on animals. Just Mayo’s taste is supreme because of it’s ingredients and taste, the only way to go.