Just Eggs
Breakfast Potatoes
Maple Syrup Sausages
Black Olives, Tomatoes
A brand new product from Just Eggs! It’s a must to try new products. As you know, this is a mostly whole-foods, plant-based recipe blog. I thoroughly enjoyed these and felt like they tasted like the real thing, even better knowing they don’t involve so much suffering!
1 bag of Finnish Round Potatoes
1/2 Red Bell Pepper
1 Shallot diced
2 cloves Garlic
1 tsp. Turmeric
Garnish with Sage, Flowering Thyme, and Parsley; Malton Salt.
and Ufra Black Pepper.
Potatoes, peel off ends and brown spots, wash and dice into quarters. Use a large cast-iron skillet, bring some water to a boil, and add potatoes. Boil for approx. 15 minutes. Remove all water, and mash with masher, add the herbs, garlic, and some grapeseed oil to brown. Serve.
Heat non-toxic, non-stick skillet with a little Grapeseed oil, saute like an egg until fluffy. Serve with Salt and Pepper, and garnish with fresh herbs if you’d like.
Plate with Sausage, Tomatoes, Black Olives, and Avocado.
Excellent grounding breakfast to start your day or weekend brunch.
How to find vegan products in your area? Go to the product you like or hear about and they usually have a store locator with your zip code. Enjoy!