If you do enough research on this subject, you will find that Animal Agriculture is the major culprit for fueling catastrophes to our land, air and water across the globe. Tyson Foods is responsible as being the most dominant influence, due to their massive productions of pork, beef and chicken, supplying McDonald’s and Walmart to name a few big names. …
The Reality of the Leather Industry
From jackets, belts, handbags, wallets and shoes, leather has become innocuous, with many people not thinking twice about where leather comes from. Sadly, the leather industry is horrifically cruel with the majority of leather being produced in India. Where Does Leather Come From? Most leather comes from developing countries such as India and there is immense cruelty involved in creating …
Study on impact of water usage for 1 pound of beef = 2500 gallons water
“We are quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet – for the sake of hamburgers.” Peter Singer
Meatless Mondays Mill Valley Proclamation Celebration
Second Step: Celebrate the signing with a Vegan Meet-up and share beautiful vegan food! The vegan movers and shakers were all here for Mill Valley Meatless Monday proclamation signing! Miyoko Schinner, of Miyoko’s Kitchen and her decadent vegan cheeses! Colleen Holland President of VegNews Magazine, Camilla Fox President of Project Coyote, Mikaële Dawn Tate of Green Your SPIRIT, and so …
Water Crisis from eating meat and dairy
These memes are provided by Truth or Drought. An excellent page on FB.
Meat production and the Environment
Vegans don’t usually need a reason to hate factory farming aside from cruelty to animals and their death. Some people, though, need a little more convincing. Plus, it never hurts to have more support when someone asks why veganism is so fantastic. This is where knowledge about the environmental impacts of factory farming is critical. Approximately 10 billion animals are …