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Vegan Dogs ~ My Rosslyn and Juliet

My dogs Rosslyn and Juliet, from Romania Animal Rescue, are vegan for the same reason, animal abuse, health and the environment.  Also, there is a rise of cancers, obesity and diabetes in dogs, they can thrive off a vegan diet since they are domesticated.  And did you know that the longest living dog, Brambles was vegan at age 27, he …

Attended Environmental Fundraiser with Leilani Munter

Leilani Munter, in case you don’t know who she is, is an environmental race car driver, I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but she is out to change the entire racing industry with renewable fuels and cars! She believes in speaking to those who are not in the choir so to speak.  So she sent me an invite to attend …

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How to conquer the holidays being a Vegan

Being vegan during any holiday can be difficult, but holidays centered on eating, like the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving, or any holiday can be especially challenging. People seem to believe you’re insulting them if you’re not interested in chowing down on an all beef hamburger or turkey leg finished off with some ice cream and pie for dessert. My …

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Vegan Wedding

My best friend, Mikaéle Holzer, is a great advocate for the vegan diet, she runs her own “Green Your Spirit”, Hippocrates Institute trained juicing company.  Sharing her love of vegan food. Hope for true love and the fact that veganism is spreading like wildfire!  They catered a full on gourmet vegan meal. And the new groom, a musician, Cole Tate, …

Captain Paul Watson on veganism

“By 2030 every single commercial fishery on the planet will have been destroyed. We have already seen the destruction of the Northern cod, the bluefin tuna, the orange roughy, the Patagonia bluefish and so many more species. The major biological holocaust being waged against the life in the oceans. More than 50% of the fish taken from the sea is …

No To Zoos

My son came to me last night and said, “You need to call the school and tell them I can’t be there Thursday, I said, Why? “They are doing Bay Day as a Field Trip to the Zoo”. So proud of him! It gave me the chance to speak up for the animals too. My son has never been where …