Greta is what every leader is going to be paying attention to, an eloquent speaker and leader, who is taking the world by storm speaking up against climate change. Greta Thunberg at the young of age of 16, a Swedish activist whose hope is to save the world that she wants to see when she is older, has garnered national attention for her stance against climate change.

Greta was nominated by three Norweigen MPs for a Nobel Peace Prize, stating ‘the massive movement Greta has set in motion is a very important peace contribution, in relation to ‘climate threats are perhaps one of the most important contributions to war and conflict.’

She made national headlines after her eloquent speech on climate change at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poland, “You are Stealing our Future.”

Greta is changing the world with her Fridays for Future, encouraging students to leave school that day and make notice for climate change. She has participated in “Fridays for Future” since the summer of 2018, by striking her classes with a sign reading “skolstreyk for klimatet.” (School Strike for Climate).

Just this past Friday, March 15, 2019, Greta organized one the largest marches, with students strikes and rallies around the world in more than 2000 locations in 123 countries, with thousands of youth rallying for climate change. #FridaysForFuture

She is a vegan and also encouraged her family to go vegan due to the affects of animal agriculture to our environment. One to change many.


  1. ?❤️to this girl! My heart swells with pride. She has caught us, the earlier generation, at the right time in human history. As a part of that generation I feel ASHAMED of myself and my generation. What have we done to our mother Earth???? That too in the name of development, civilization etc etc. We are nothing but greedy consumers of everything on this planet!
    Now the pressure to change is coming from below, our children! They are teaching us. LET US BE OPEN TO WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO TEACH US.

    1. Author

      Spriya, indeed! Yes it’s a shame, we have to keep pushing the vegan message as much as possible. YES LET’S BE OPEN AND RECEIVE! Thank you!

  2. What’s the official position of Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion on veganism? We know that to be vegan is the most effective way to reduce you own impact, and it’s the obvious ethical choice, but why is no mention of veganism on their websites? why those organizations are not vegan advocates?

    1. Author

      Alejanrdo, I’m not sure, but would suggest to research both sites. I thought that Extinction Rebellion was vegan that’s strange? Thought I saw a AR protest by them recently no? They need to be! And more prominently. Looking for a writer for my environmental section. Keep me posted. Thank you!

  3. How’s it going? What are your thoughts on Greta Thunberg? OMG I can’t believe how much of an impact that girl is making all on her own! We couldn’t stop climate change without her. 🙂

    1. Author

      Norma, well on a personal level, have been dealing with my older dog who has problems walking, so haven’t been on the FB page that much. How are you?
      I think she’s fantastic! Just what this WORLD needed a big shaking up! No we cannot! She’s a real mover and shaker! Thanks for your comment!

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