Vegan Brunch Potato Tempeh Tacos

1 & 1/2 Bunches* Fingerling Potatoes  Partially peeled and cut into 3 to 4 chunks
*mesh bags they are sold in
Salt to taste
1 Large Shallot chopped finely
3 Cloves Garlic minced
1 Red Bell Pepper chopped finely
1 Tbs. Turmeric Powder
1 tsp. Paprika
2 Tbs. of Fresh Thyme, Chives and Parsley finely chopped

Lightlife Tempeh Bacon
The Cultured Kitchen Creamy Cheddar Cheese
Hot Sauce

Use a large cast iron pan and bring potatoes to a boil, reduce to medium boil with lid on pan.  Cook for approximately 15 minutes.  Add EVOO to bottom of pan, sauté shallot, garlic and bell pepper for approximately 3 minutes add drained potatoes, you can chop them more finely as they cook with the back of a wooden spatula.  While cooking add the Turmeric  and Paprika, you may be adding oil as you cook to your discretion.  Cook until lightly browned add salt to your taste.  Sprinkle in fresh herbs the last two minutes.

Saute Corn Tortillas while Potatoes cook.

Cook LightLife Tempeh Bacon set aside.

Layer Tortillas with Potatoes, Tempeh, The Cultured Kitchen Creamy Cheddar Cheese, Salsa and Hot sauce.

It’s so easy to make and so great to serve to guests or have any day of the week, but Sunday Brunch is the best!   Skip the tortilla for gluten free!  Enjoy! img_7882

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