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Gut Healing Papaya with Coco Yogurt

1 PapayaFill with Cocoyo Vanilla YogurtFlax Seeds/Hemp Seeds The healing properties of Papaya are immense. Very high in Vitamin C, also Vitamin A and Calcium. Papayas contain high levels of antioxidants, are high in fiber,- great for gut health by reducing inflammation and aids in digestion. Adding yogurt intensifies the gut healing microbes. Cocoyo Vanilla is my favorite right now, …

Fast Banana Breakfast

1 Banana 1 Tablespoon Hemp Seeds 4-5 sliced Strawberries Coconut Oil Rub coconut oil on banana with knife or spoon.  Sprinkle hemp seeds coating entire banana.  Serve with Strawberries.   A quick and easy light breakfast for those on the go!