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Animal Recovery Mission ( has a new undercover investigation stemming from extreme cruelty by Natural Prairie Dairy located in North Texas. The undercover video reveals a nightmare for these animals, living in overcrowded sheds and feces ridden conditions. Far from what they want you to believe: Natural Prairie Dairy FB page shows cows in fields and makes cows seem they …

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The Dairy Industry Continues to Plummet as Plant-Based Alternatives Soar

Despite the fact that consumers can get the daily recommendation of calcium, potassium, and protein from fruits and vegetables, the dairy industry has spent billions of dollars trying to convince you otherwise. But don’t fall for their shady ploys. In truth, we can get the same nutrients from fortified plant-based milk and whole, plant-based foods. But as more and more consumers …

Hemp Milk

Benefits healthy hair, skin, nails, heart!

Milk and Prostate Cancer

“At least 24 studies have looked at the role of milk in the development of prostate cancer. Twenty of these studies have found a positive association. On average, the studies reveal about a doubling of risk for prostate cancer in general, and up to a 4-fold increased risk for metastatic prostate cancer, the deadly form, in these men who drink …