Yoni Mudra for calming the mind

When the teacher arrives you are ready.  I’m grateful to have an amazing yoga teacher that has been there with me throughout the years.  She passes no judgements on me.  She encouraged me to get my Yoga Teaching Certificate of which I have but never used.  With my busy lifestyle, I dropped it for a couple of years and she magically showed up back in my life.  And I can’t say how much it is helping me to grow again.

Sherri Baptiste is her name and she comes from a long lineage of American Pioneer Family of yoginis.   Her mother Magana Baptise taught a Yoga Mudra Class.  Such a deepening practice to ground yourself.  This is called the Yoni Mudra.  Baptiste Method “Breathe is Life”
Visualizing all your chakras. Scriptures state that after practicing the yoni mudra, right-handed people will hear the inner sounds in their right ear and left-handed people will hear the sounds in their left ear.

Begin by covering your ears securely with your thumbs  *Breathe is the key

Index fingers over your eyes
Pinch your nostrils using both your middle fingers
Press your lips together with your ring finger just above the top lip and your pinky below the lower lip
Breathe in and out slowly, relieving your clamp over the nostrils when you do so

Health benefits of yoni mudra:
Relieving stress
Relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind. Stabilizing the nervous system
Maintaining a state of mental clarity and relaxation
Attaining spiritual calmness and mental development

End in the position as pictured.  Namaste

Yodi Mudra

Yodi Mudra

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